The ADR Newsletter, Vol. VI (Jan 2024 Edn.)
The ADR Newsletter is a monthly issue published by the Arbitration Team of the ILSCA ADR Cell that discusses updates and ideas relating to arbitration, mediation, negotiation and other means of alternative dispute resolutions.
The following articles have been published as part of this edition of the newsletter:
Satyajit Khairnar, "Update on the Constitution Bench Reference to Decide on Modification of Arbitral Awards"
Ruhika Kohli, "The Role of External Financial Support in Arbitration"
Soham Lambe, "The Applicability of the CPC in Arbitral Proceedings: A Nuanced Relationship"
Urshita Wadhwani, "Highlights of the SIAC Rules, 2025"
Pratiek Bera, "The Claimants Perspective on Award of Interest"
Aarya Balte, "Taming the interventionist tendencies: the interplay between courts and Section 34"ing the interventionist tendencies: the interplay between courts and Section
Poorvi Joshi, "Unilateral Appointments: Striking the Balance between Party Autonomy and Impartiality
To fair outcomes,
The ILSCA ADR Cell (Arbitration Team)